I have never done any homework. In my schools, colleges, universities - OSHO
I have never done any homework. In my schools, colleges, universities, I made it absolutely clear to all my teachers and professors, ”Never ask for any homework from me.”
And they said, ”But this is so strange, nobody has ever said such a thing.”
I said, ”I don’t care whether anybody has said such a thing or not.
One thing is certain: you can answer me, you can question me, you can do anything you want – I will be spontaneous, I will not
be prepared.”
Homework is preparation; you have already prepared everything.
In my final examinations of postgraduation, the professors who loved me very much were so afraid, because I was not preparing anything for the examination.
I was still reading whatever I wanted to read in the library. It had no concern with the examination.
I was asking questions in the classes and one professor had to say to me, ”Now only one month is left, and you should not bring such questions which have no relevance to your examination.”
I said, ”I am not here to be worried about an examination which is going to happen one month later.
My concern is this moment, and this is my question.”
One of my professors was so concerned that he gave me one of the questionnaires, telling me, ”I have made this so that you can at least be ready for these five questions.
They are going to be asked because I am the composer of the paper.”
Without reading it, I threw it away and I said, ”You should not insult me in this way.
I want to live life unprepared.
Whether I Fail or Succeed, it doesn’t matter.
He used to come to my hostel room just fifteen minutes before the examination was going to commence.
Everybody had gone into the examination hall. He would pick me in his car and tell me, ”Unless you enter the examination hall, I cannot feel at ease. I am always afraid you may be sleeping, you may be discussing things which have nothing to do with the examination, you may be reading things.”
And he used to say to the superintendent of the examination, ”Don’t let him out before three hours.”
I used to answer those questions in one hour or one and a half hours.
The superintendent would say, ”I am sorry but I have promised your professor that I will not allow you to leave.”
I said, ”It is up to you. If you don’t allow me to go out... has he told you that I cannot even sleep here?”
He said, ”He has not said anything about sleep.”
I said, ”That’s okay.
You take this paper; I am finished with it. And for one and a half hours let me rest.”
When my professor came to know, he said, ”It is very impossible to deal with you.
I prevented you from going out but you managed to go out!
And how can you answer those five questions in three hours?
Others find that they have answered only four; somebody has answered only three.”
I said, ”They are prepared people. They have done so much preparation that they want to impress the examiner with how much they are informed.
I am absolutely uninformed. Sometimes I simply write one sentence as an answer and sometimes I ask another question because I cannot agree that the question is right.
But I am absolutely free. I have no preparation.
Om Mani Padme Hum
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