Beloved "Osho, Tell Me the Way from Sexuality to Love.
Beloved "Osho,
Tell Me the Way from Sexuality to Love.
Sex is Beautiful, Sexuality is Ugly, and the difference has to be Understood. Sex is a Natural Phenomenon. Sexuality is Unnatural, Abnormal and Pathological. When Sex becomes Cerebral, when Sex Enters in your Head, it becomes Sexuality.
Now, the Head is not the Center for Sex. It is getting into Confusion, it is getting upside down, it is getting deranged. Sex is not the function of the Head, but when Sex Enters in through the Head it becomes Sexuality. Then you think about Sex, then you Fantasize about Sex. And the more you think, the more you Fantasize about it, the more you will get into Trouble because then nothing real will ever Satisfy you because there is no Limitation on Fantasy, and Reality is LIMITED.
For example, if you start thinking too much about Sex you can create beautiful Women - Women which are only your Fantasy; you will never find them anywhere in the World. Or Men. You will never come across them. No real Woman or Man will ever Satisfy you because of the Fantasy. No Real Man or Woman can fulfill your Expectations of Fantasy. Fantasy is Fantasy; it is a Dream."
(Unio Mystics Vol-1)
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