I am giving you your technique too - OSHO


I am giving you your
technique too. Whenever
you are sitting silently, not
doing anything, just
feel that you are dissolving,
melting... disappearing into
the total. Lose your
boundaries... Lose the
consciousness of your
  Don’t think that you end with
your skin. Expand yourself.

Sometimes sitting in the
room, feel lost – just as a
drop falls into the ocean and
disappears. The
more you think in terms of
being dissolved, the more
and more aware, peaceful,
centred, you will
become. And it will come
easily – it will not be a
difficult thing.
 Lying down in the bed, just
before going to sleep, feel
yourself dissolving. And fall
asleep while
you are dissolving, mm?
Then the flavour will hover
around you the whole night.
You will have a
deeper sleep; a deeper
tranquility will arise out of it.
And in the morning you will
feel you have been
somewhere in a totally silent
 So whenever you can find
any opportunity, transform it
into your meditation. Mm?
sitting in the sun,
feel you are dissolving in the
sun-rays. Holding the hand
of a friend, feel you are
dissolving into the
friend. Making love, feel you
are dissolving into love.

As many times in the day as
possible, remember to
dissolve. By and by your
boundaries will become blurred. By and by you will
start feeling not limited to the
body, not caged, imprisoned
in the body –overflowing.
And when you are
overflowing, god overflows in

Do a few groups here. Start
doing sufi dancing and in the
night the music group. -
that will give you more and
more possibility to dissolve. Music, dance, singing, will be
helpful. So
whenever there is an
opportunity to dance and
 use it.

The Buddha Disease # 8.
