The people who have gathered around me are learning how to be more happy - OSHO

The people who have gathered
around me are learning how to be
more happy, how to be more
meditative, how to laugh more,
live more, love more, and spread
love, laughter around the world.

This is the only protection against
nuclear weapons. If the whole
globe can learn to love and
laugh and enjoy and dance, then
Ronald Reagan and Gorbachev
will look surprised... what has happened? The whole world
seems to have gone mad!
People who are happy,
contented, are not the people to
be forced to kill other people who
have not
done any harm to them. It is not
strange that all the armies, down
the ages, have been kept
repressed, because sexually
repressed people are bound to
be destructive. Their very
forces them to destroy
 Have you ever watched in your
own being: when you are happy,
joyful, you want to create
when you are miserable,
suffering, you want to destroy
something. It is a revenge. All
are kept in repressed sexuality so
the moment they get to kill that
becomes their joy; at least their
repressed energies are
expressed – of course in a very
ugly way, inhuman way, but
some expression
is there.
 Have you watched? – painters,
poets, sculptors, dancers are
never sexually repressed people.
fact, they are oversexual. They
love so much, they love so many
people. Perhaps one person is
not enough to exhaust their love.
They have been condemned by
the priests down the ages: these
poets, painters, sculptors,
musicians, these are not good
people. And these are the only
people who
have made this humanity
something beautiful, who have contributed to the world some
flowers of
joy, some flowers of music, some
beautiful dances. What have the
priests done to the world? They
have burnt women, calling them
witches; they have killed people
who belong to other faiths. They
have not been creative people.
They have not enhanced the
earth and they have not
enhanced life.

We need, with these three
fundamental changes, a great
respect for creative people of any dimension. And we should learn
how to transform our energies so
that they are not repressed,
so they are expressed in your
love, in your laughter, in your joy.
This earth is more than a
you don’t have to go anywhere.
Paradise is not something that
has to be achieved, it is
that has to be created. It depends
on us.      
 πŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒ.   OSHO
