Dancing is immensely valuable - OSHO
Dancing is immensely valuable. Dancing should become a natural phenomenon for everybody. It was once; it is still in very primitive people. It is not that a few people dance—there are no dancers; everybody is a dancer. Dancing is a general activity, like breathing. There are still tribes, small tribes in India in deep forests; their whole life is dance. They cannot believe that there are people who don't dance, because they cannot believe how you can live without dancing! Life will be almost nil.
Their whole life revolves around dance. Each and everything becomes an excuse for dance. Each night is a dancing night and the whole tribe dances: small children, women, men, old women…no barriers of age. Dance is for all because dance is equivalent to life. Man has missed much.
Bertrand Russell has said somewhere that he was always in favour of civilization, culture; he was a rational man. But when he came across a primitive tribe in Africa his whole idea of civilization simply fell down flat on the ground, and he started feeling very jealous. He writes, 'In that moment I was ready to drop all culture and all civilization if I could know how to dance again.'
My sannyasins have all to be dancers, and no excuse should be missed; each excuse has to be used as an opportunity to dance. Somebody's birthday, dance; somebody has died, dance. Somebody is ill, dance around him. Somebody is going for a journey, give him a farewell dance. Somebody is coming, welcome him with dance. Make it a point that the more you dance, the more you are in tune with god.
When you dance it is god who dances in you; that's why it is so beautiful. Whenever you dance you are no more separate, you don't have a split. You are no more body/mind; you are no more this and that. You don't have alternatives. All alternatives disappear, all dualities disappear. In fact there is no dancer and the dance; there is only dance!
One comes to a state of non-duality, and non-duality is orgasm. That's what people are searching for through love, through alcohol, through drugs—a state where they are no more separate from existence. But those methods are dangerous and very costly. You gain very little joy and you destroy your whole chemistry, your body. It is not worth it.
Through dance you don't lose anything and you gain infinity...
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