Jesus lived a very human life, utterly human – with great godliness

Jesus lived a very human life, utterly human – with great godliness, but he lived a human life. He is a rare master in that way. He moved with gamblers, drunkards; there is every possibility that once in a while he may have played poker. And I don’t see that there is anything wrong in it. He used to drink wine, he enjoyed it. And I don’t think that there is anything wrong in it once in a while; it is sheer playfulness. Don’t become addicted to it. He was not addicted to it, but he participated in the ordinary life.

There is every possibility that Mary Magdalene fell in a very human kind of love with him, and it cannot be just one-sided – he may have responded. But Christians will feel offended – a prostitute falling in love with Jesus! And Jesus may have responded in a human way. In fact, he was such a courageous man, such a rebel, that he must have responded in a human way.”

Osho, The White Lotus, Ch 6, Q 3
