Man has become very insensitive. - OSHO

..."Man has become very insensitive.

..."Out of fear man has created great armour around himself, he is continuously defending himself.

..."He does not open his doors, he does not open his windows, he does not allow the sun to come in or the winds or the rains; he lives in a completely closed world.

..."He has become a monad, windowless; this is the problem. ..."And because of this he cannot know what life is, he cannot know what god is.

..."He never comes out of his cell. He has lost contact with existence.

..."Sannyas is regaining contact, it is coming closer to existence, dropping your armour, defence strategies, opening your windows.

..."All though in the beginning it is painful. It is as if you have always lived in darkness and then you suddenly come into light and your eyes cannot open: it is uncomfortable for your eyes because they have become accustomed to darkness.

..."Man's whole being has become accustomed to a closed world, although in that closed world there is no joy; it is all suffocation, it is slow suicide.

..."But there is security, safety; and man has become ready to choose safety with suffocation. ..."He is ready to pay the price of suffocation for safety.

..."And the safety is only supercial because death will come and destroy all safety.

..."Death is certain; there is no way to be safe against it. ..."Then why not live? ..."Then why not move out? ..."Why not dance and sing? ..."Why remain suffocated?

..."There are two possibilities: one can be miserable and secure ..."Or one has to accept insecurity and joy; these are the two possibilities.

..."Security and misery come together..."Insecurity and joy come together; ..."Because insecurity is life and security is death.

..."The whole effort here is to pull you out from your closed, self-imposed imprisonments, and if you cooperate it is not difficult.

..."Once you have seen the light and the open sky you will not be able to believe how you lived so long in darkness, and for what.

..."There is nothing to fear! Life is not our enemy, it is our mother. ..."Existence is our friend, we have to befriend it.

..."And the miracle is that if you love life and you live life, then there is no death.

..."Loving life, living life, one comes to know that it is eternal.

..."Death exists only because you live closed in security and you don't allow life to give you the glimpse of the eternal.

..."So this is a paradox: the people who are afraid of death are really creating death themselves.

..."There is no death in reality. Fear of death creates death:

The Sacred Yes
