The Buddha said: There are ten things considered good by all beings,

❤ The Buddha said:

There are ten things considered good by all beings,

And ten things evil.

What are they...???

Three of them depend upon the body,

Four upon the mouth,

And three upon thought.

Three evil deeds depending upon the body are: killing, stealing, and committing adultery.

The four depending upon the mouth are: slandering, cursing, lying and flattery.

The three depending upon thought are: envy, anger and infatuation.

All these things are against the holy way, and therefore they are evil.

In Buddhist terminology there is nothing like sin; only mistakes, errors.

There is no condemnation.

You can correct the error, you can correct the mistake.

It is simple.

You can put two plus two as four, the moment you understand.

All these things are against the holy way,

And therefore they are evil.

There is no other reason for them to be evil:

Simply because they create misery for you.

In fact, you create it by following them.

If you don’t want to be miserable,

Then avoid these things ❤

The Discipline of Transcendence, Vol 1 💙
