Never ask anybody what is right and what is wrong. - OSHO

Never  ask  anybody  what  is  right  and  what  is  wrong.

Life  is  an  experiment  to  find out.

Each individual has  to  be  conscious,  alert,  and  watchful,  and experiment  with  life  and  find out  what  is  good  for  him.

Whatever  gives you  peace,

Whatever  makes  you  blissful,

Whatever  gives  you  serenity,

Whatever  brings  you  closer  to  existence  and  its  immense  harmony  is good.

And  whatever  creates  conflict,  misery,  pain  in  you  is  wrong.

Nobody else  can decide  it  for  you,

Because  every  individual has his own  world,  his  own  sensitivity.

We  are  unique.

So formulas  are  not going  to  work.

The  whole  world  is  a  proof  of  this.

Never  ask anybody  what  is  right  and  what is  wrong.

Life  is  an experiment to  find  out  what  is  right,  what  is  wrong.

Sometimes  you may  do  what is  wrong,
But  that  will give  you the  experience  of  it,

That will make  you  aware  of  what has  to  be  avoided.

Sometimes  you  may do something good,

And you will  be  immensely  benefited.

The  rewards are  not  beyond  this  life,  in  heaven  and  hell.

They  are  here  and now.

Each  action  brings  its  result  immediately.

Just be  alert  and  watch.

Mature  people  are  those  who  have  watched  and  found  for  themselves

What is  right,  what  is  wrong,

What  is  good,  what is  bad.

And  by  finding it for  themselves,

They have  a  tremendous  authority.

The  whole  world may  say  something  else,

And  it  makes  no  difference  to  them.

They  have their own experience to go by,

And that is enough <3

<3  Osho <3
