Sometimes you fall in love with a woman or a man, and suddenly you feel integrated, suddenly you feel you are one for the first time... - OSHO
❤ Sometimes you fall in love with a woman or a man, and suddenly you feel integrated, suddenly you feel you are one for the first time.
Your eyes have a glow, your face has a radiance, and your intellect is no longer dull.
Something starts burning bright in your being; a song arises, your walk has a quality of dance in it now.
You are a totally different being.
But these are rare moments - because we don't learn the secret.
The secret is that there must be something you have started to enjoy.
That's the whole secret.
A painter may be hungry and painting, and still you can see that his face is so contended.
A poet may be poor, but when he is singing his song, he is the richest man in the world.
Nobody is richer than he is.
What is the secret of it?
The secret is that he is enjoying this moment.
Whenever you enjoy something, you are in tune with yourself and you are in tune with the universe - because your center is the center of all.
So let this small insight be a climate for you: do only that which you enjoy, otherwise stop......π
❣ OSHO ❣
πΉ Maturity - The Responsibility of Being Oneself πΉ
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