๐ŸŒน❤ Two Opposite Things Simultaneously? ❤๐ŸŒน- OSHO

๐ŸŒน❤ Two Opposite Things Simultaneously? ❤๐ŸŒน

A sannyasin who is leaving says: I don’t feel happy or not happy about going.

I know it is sad going, but your feelings are completely right. It is always a mixture of happiness and unhappiness. Each moment brings both. We chose whatsoever aspect we want to chose, otherwise each moment brings the ambiguity; it brings both. If you watch you will become aware of both.

So go laughing and crying, mm? It is a little bizarre, but if you can laugh and weep together it will be a tremendous help. Ordinarily either we laugh or we weep. We never do both things together. If you do both things together, suddenly you will become a watcher. You cannot be identified with two contradictory things; that’s why we do them separately.

We maintain a certain economy inside. When we laugh, we laugh; we don’t cry. When we cry, we cry; we don’t laugh. We have made a division, an aristotolean division. When we say yes, we don’t say no. Maybe the no is there but we don’t say it. Maybe it is being said inside, but we don’t utter it outside. When we say no, the yes is also there.

If you watch deeply, each yes carries a hidden part of no in it and each no carries yes in it. But if somebody asks something and you say both yes and no always, then it will be maddening. It is utilitarian that we choose one, but for inner work you can do both together; that will be very helpful.

Children or madmen or sages laugh and weep together. That’s why sages look close to madmen and madmen look close to sages. A few things are similar.

A mad man can laugh and weep because he does not bother about logic. There is no need for him to think whether it is okay to laugh and weep together. He does not bother about categories, divisions, false boundaries and definitions; he goes on overlapping all divisions.

But if you can do it meditatively you will attain to a very deep witnessing. So you can make it a point every night to close your room and laugh and weep together. And watch –you will see such a beautiful energy flowing, and watching becomes easier because identification is impossible. How can you identify with two opposite things simultaneously? With one it is okay; you are weeping and you can identify yourself with the weeper, or you are laughing and you can identify yourself with the laughter. But both? Impossible. When you do both together, you become the third.

Try it. You have stumbled upon something so use it and it can become a deep meditation.

             ๐ŸŒน❤ Osho ❤๐ŸŒน
๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน Zorba The Buddha ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน

