Many things start happening around a dead man. - OSHO

Many things start
happening around a dead man.
If he loved a person
very deeply, that means
he had given
a part of his life energy
to that person,
and when a person dies,
immediately that part
that he had given
to another person
leaves that person
and moves to the dead man.

If you die here
and your lover
lives in Hong Kong,
something will leave
your lover immediately --
because you have given
a part of your life and
that part will come back to you.
That's why when
a loved one dies
you feel that something
has left you also,
something in you has died also.
A deep wound,
a deep gap will exist now.

Whenever a lover dies,
something in the
beloved also dies,
because they were deeply
involved with each other.
And if you have loved
many, many people --
for example,
if a person like Dogo dies,
or a buddha --
from all over the universe
energy moves
back to the center.
It is a universal phenomenon
because he is involved
in many many lives,
millions of lives,
and from everywhere
his energy will come back.
The vibrations that he has
given to many will leave,
they will move to the original source,
they will become again
a concentration near the navel.

If you watch you will feel
ripples coming back
in a reverse order,
and when they are
totally concentrated
in the navel,
you can see
a tremendous energy,
a tremendous light- force.
And then that center
leaves the body.

When a man 'dies',
that is simply a
stopping of the breath,
and you think he is dead.
He is not dead;
that takes time.

Sometimes, if the person
has been involved in
millions of lives,
it takes many days for him to die --
that's why with sages,
with saints, particularly in the East,
we never burn their bodies.
Only saints are not burned;
otherwise everybody is burned,
because others' involvement
is not so much.
Within minutes
the energy gathers,
and they are no more
part of this existence.

But with saints,
the energy takes time.
Sometimes it goes on and on --
that's why if you go to Shirdi,
to Sai Baba's town,
you will still feel
something happening,
still the energy goes on coming;
he is so much involved that
for many people he is still alive.
Sai Baba's tomb is not dead.
It is still alive.
But the same thing
you will not feel
near many tombs --
they are dead.

By 'dead' I mean
they have accumulated
all their involvement,
they have disappeared.

OSHO - And The Flowers Showered
