When you love someone, the person is just a screen:- OSHO

When you love someone, the person is just a screen: you project. When you hate someone, the person is just a screen: you project. It is your thoughts that you go on projecting.

The same face is beautiful today, and the next day it becomes ugly – the same face – because your beauty, your ugliness, your feeling of beauty, your feeling of ugliness,
is not concerned with the face at all.

The face is just a screen with your thoughts projected on it.

No thoughts, no projections! That’s why my insistence is that you come to a point of thoughtlessness,of thoughtless awareness – so that there will be no projection. Then you will see the world as it is,not as your thoughts make it.

If you can see the world as it is, you have come to the Divine.

Now you can feel the difference. The world is there: you project the Divine on it: it is a thought.You say, ”The world is Divine” – it is a thought. You don’t know. You have heard it, you have read it,someone has said it to you.

You wish it should be so, you want, you long that it should be so – but you have not known it. You don’t know the world is Divine. You know the world as the world.

The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol 1
