In deep orgasm, if you are aware, you will know for the first time what ecstasy is. - OSHO
Tantra Means :-
In deep orgasm, if you are aware, you will know for the first time what ecstasy is. Otherwise you have only heard the word; you have not known its meaning. Only in deep orgasm, if you are aware, if your flame of awareness is burning bright, will you be able to know that sex is not just sex. Sex is the outermost layer; deep inside is love; and even deeper is prayer; and deepest is God himself. Sex can become a cosmic experience; then it is tantra. Sex plus awareness... and something tremendous starts changing. - Osho
Yog Means :-
It is the same word as it is in 'yoga' -- it is viyog, yog: 'yog' means union, 'viyog' means separation. It is the same word as it is in the english word 'yoke'. The viyoga, the separation, has to be transformed into yoga, into union. - Osho
Yoga Means:-
The English word 'religion' is beautiful: it means to be together, to be married, to be tied together, to be in union. It means exactly what the Sanskrit word 'yoga' means -- to be one. When your small flow is one with the flow of the whole, you are religious. When your small river falls into the great Ganges, and you start flowing with the Ganges and you lose your boundaries, you are religious.
'Religion' is as beautiful a word as 'yoga'. It means: you have now come to an ultimate marriage with the whole. - Osho
Truth Means :-
The truth means the whole, all that is, the total. All that is -- how can you define it? It is unbounded, infinite. Definition means drawing a line around it, locating it, saying, "This is it." But there is no way to define truth, because there is no way to draw a line around it. It is infinite, it is eternal, it has no beginning, no end. - Osho
Faith simply means hiding ignorance, and it is very cheap. Truth needs great energy, great urgency, and a total involvement in the search.
Truth is within you, faith comes from outside. Anything that comes from outside is not going to help you. You cannot take it in. Truth is already alive in you, you don't need any faith. It is faith which has kept humanity ignorant. It is not a contribution to evolution, it is a contribution to INvolution. Involution means going backwards, not forwards. - Osho
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