One great Master
π₯⚡π₯⚡. One great Master, Nan In, was on his deathbed. He is one of those people who I can say was religious, really religious. His whole life is full of incidents, anecdotes, stories, which give a clear
indication of a man of tremendous insight. ⚡
He was dying. He had told his disciples, ”I would not like my death to be mourned. because it is
not death, so you will be unnecessarily wasting your tears and crying and weeping. And I will be
laughing from the other shore, because I will see,’These fools! ⚡The whole of my life I have wasted,
and they have not understood a simple thing.’
π”I would like you to dance and sing and laugh and rejoice, because death is not death. I am
going, leaving this house because it is no longer useful. πThis body is now more of a trouble than a
convenience; I am just changing it. So there is no need to mourn. You should be happy that your
Master is going into a new life.” π
πTo whatever he said they listened, but their faces were showing that they were all ready to burst into
tears. They were sad – and who would not be sad when a man like Nan In leaves the world? But
π₯Nan In had made arrangements.... He said,π₯π₯ ”A few things to be remembered... this is my will.”
In the East it is a tradition, perhaps in the West also, that before you burn or bury a body you wash
the body and put new clothes on it. I know the reason in the East is that he is going on a faraway
journey; maybe there will be some chance to have a bath, or maybe not. And certainly he will need
new clothes, so new clothes are given, a bath is given. This is just a way to say goodbye from this
shore:π₯ ”From now onwards we cannot help, you take care of yourself.” π₯
Nan In said, ”Don’t give me a bath because I have just taken one. And I don’t like baths in such a
cold winter; even if I am dead, I don’t want another bath. I have taken one which was necessary.
π₯I have done it myself because I was concerned that if you give me a bath I won’t know how much
water you pour in, how cold, and what else you do. I have taken my bath, so that ritual has not to be done.
π₯”And don’t change my clothes. You see, I have already changed, because I don’t like clothes which
don’t fit, which are too loose or too tight. You know I am fussy about that, so I have my dress ready
– you can see it is new.” And they saw that he had taken a bath and he did have a new robe.
Nan In said, ”So these two things are not to be done – this is my will – but anything else you want to
do, you do. Don’t weep, don’t cry, don’t mourn. That would not be the right kind of goodbye for me”
– and he died.
And although he had said, ”don’t cry” – but what to do? Tears are not in your hands, just to stop
or... To lose such a man, such a tremendously alive man, disappearing into who knows what. ”And
how much he has given! Now towards whom are we going to look? Questions will be torturing us,
doubts will be arising and who is going to say,’Don’t be worried, continue: you are on the right track
and the goal is not far away.’ And his voice was enough to bring courage again, strength again. Now
who is going to help?”
They were crying and they were weeping, but they could not manage to do it for long. People like
Nan In are really creative geniuses. When his body was put on the funeral pyre they all started
laughing in spite of themselves; tears were coming to their eyes. It was a strange situation: that man
had hidden in his clothes many things – firecrackers and small bombs!
That’s why he had prevented them from changing his dothes, that’s why he had taken his own bath.
And his dress was specially made with many pockets inside where he was hiding almost a three-hour
celebration. The people were laughing and crying, and the bombs were bursting and firecrackers
were going off – colorful, beautiful, because in Japan they make the best. Nothing can be compared
with Japanese firecrackers, they make them in such artful ways.
What Nan In was continually telling these people appeared in the sky, in writing: ”Beware!” A
firecracker would go up and burst into small, flower – like pieces and they all would fall together
and make the word, ”Beware.”
His disciples were looking at the sky and they forgot completely that it was a funeral; it became a
beautiful exhibition of fireworks! They realized only as the fire died out and the body was consumed
by the fire... only then did they realize that that man had been doing the same thing his whole life.
He had even made arrangements before dying so that after death also his work would continue in
the same way, uninterrupted. Death made no difference: Nan In was still doing the same thing.
In the same way, in each of my words... I am putting enough fire, enough explosives to go on
exploding for centuries!
Nobody can be an ”orthodox Rajneeshee” unless you change the whole meaning of ”orthodox Rajneeshee” to be according to me, as I described to you.
If by ”orthodox Rajneeshee” you can mean one who is untraditional, unconventional, unorthodox;
rebellious as a continuity, with rebellion as his life... with no tight, regimented, bureaucratic,
hierarchical organization, but just an open commune of friends who are only agreed upon one thing
– that they love this crazy man....
On everything else they can disagree.
Their whole orthodoxy is confined to only one thing:
That they love this crazy man.
π₯ OSHO π₯
From Personality to Individuality. π₯⚡π₯⚡π₯⚡
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