Tantra Says Sex Is Sex

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"There are teachings which are based on celibacy – brahmacharya.

They say that brahmacharya is good, sex is bad. Tantra says sex is sex, brahmacharya is brahmacharya. One is a brahmachari and one is not. But these are simple facts, no values are attached to them. And Tantra will never say that brahmacharya is good – the celibate is good – and that the one who is in sex is bad.

Tantra will not say that. Tantra accepts things as they are. And why? Just to create a unity within you.

"This is a technique to create a unity within you, to have a total existence within, undivided, non-conflicting, not opposed. Only then is silence possible. One who is trying to move to some place against something can never be at peace. How can he be? And one who is divided within himself, fighting with himself, how can he win? It is impossible. You are both, so who is going to win? No one is going to win, and you will be at loss because you will dissipate your energy in fighting unnecessarily. This is a technique to create a unity in yourself. Allow valleys to disappear; don't judge."

Osho...❤ ❤

The Book of Secrets Talk #41
