The one who questioned all answers - OSHO
*Osho: ‘The one who questioned all answers.’*
_Passage from:_
*For Madmen Only (Price of Admission: Your Mind)*
Remember one thing: we can never have the world the way we like it, so we have to like it the way it is. If you really want to be happy, then start liking it the way it is.
Because we only have a very short time here. If we start thinking about the perfect situation, we will miss the opportunity of being happy. So make the best that you can of it: it is an imperfect world, and nowhere can you find a situation which will fit you perfectly.
For example, you make friends and they move. In some other situation you will make friends and they will never move, and then you will be stuck. That too can all be very very burdensome -- just having the old friends, everything dust and dirt and old.
If you are in a situation where you cannot have new friends every day, then use the beauty of old friendship as much as you can.
If you are in a situation where friends change every day, that's perfectly good -- you have the opportunity to make new friends, fresh friendship.
And fresh friendships have a beauty of their own. Life is more alive, there is more adventure. To be friendly with a stranger is more adventurous, to trust the stranger is more adventurous and more dangerous, ant to go on finding new persons to love and be friendly with will help you to flow more.
I can understand.... Again and again they will be gone -- by the time things are settling and you are feeling that now things are becoming secure, they are gone. But it is good!
I myself have never lived a long time in any town. The moment I saw that now things had settled, I simply moved! Nobody will think that I can move from Poona, but any day I can move -- now things have settled!
Nothing to be worried about -- enjoy it! My approach is that whatsoever you have got, make the best use of it.
And don't hanker for the impossible; it never happens and in the search for it you lose all that could have happened. To seek the impossible is to miss the possible -- and the possible is all that is!
So enjoy new people, new friendships, fresh relationships -- it is a more dynamic way of life, more flowing. It is not like a stagnant pool: it is a river.
Always look from an angle from which you can find more happiness in it and more joy. Ordinarily our mind always finds faults -- hence it makes us miserable.
Misery is an attitude.
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