SuccesS - FailurE - OSHO

SuccesS - FailurE

And remember, if you think too much of success you will constantly be thinking of failure too.

They Come together, they come in one package.

Success and failure cannot be divided from each other.

If you think of success, somewhere deep down there will be a fear also. Who knows whether you aregoing to make it or not?

You may fail.
Success takes you into the future, gives you a greed game,an ego projection, ambition, and the fear also gives you a shaking, a trembling – you may fail.

The Possibility of failure makes you waver. And with this wavering, with this greed, with this ambition,your work will not be quiet. Your work will become a turmoil; you will be working here and lookingthere.

You will be walking on this road and looking somewhere faraway in the sky.

I have heard about a Greek astrologer who was studying stars, and one night, a very starry night, he fell into a well.

Because he was watching the stars and moving about – and he was so concerned with the stars that he forgot where he was – he moved closer and closer to a well and fell into it.

Some woman, an old woman who used to live nearby, rushed up, hearing the sound.

She looked inside the well, brought a rope, and pulled the great astrologer out.

The astrologer was very thankful.
He said to the old woman, ’You don’t know me but I am the royal astrologer, specially appointed bythe king.

My fee is very large – only very rich people can afford to enquire about their future.

But You have saved my life.
You can come tomorrow to me and I will show you: I will read your hand, Iwill look into your birth-chart and I will interpret your stars, and your whole future will be plainly clearto you.’

The old woman started laughing. She said, ’Forget all about it.

You cannot see even one step ahead, that there is a well, how can you predict my future? All bullshit!’

Don’t look ahead too much, otherwise you will miss the immediate step.

Success comes, Lu-tsu says, of its own accord. Leave it to itself.

This existence is a very rewarding existence, nothing goes unrewarded.

That is the whole Indian philosophy of karma: nothing goes unrewarded or punished.

If you dosomething wrong, punishment follows like a shadow. If you do something right, rewards are onthe way.

You need not bother about them, you need not think at all, not even an iota of your consciousness need be involved with them; they come – their coming is automatic.

When you move on the road do you look again and again for your shadow – whether it is following you or not?

And if somebody looks back again and again to see whether the shadow is following or not, you will think that he is mad.

The shadow follows; it is inevitable.

So if your work is in the right direction, with the right effort, with the totality of your being, the reward follows automatically.

OshO ❤️
The Secret of Secrets, Vol 1
